Saturday, August 11, 2012

You Have No Power Over Me

Almost everyone knows who David Bowie is~the pop-culture icon with one blue eye and one brown. A few years ago he starred in a movie, along with Jennifer Connolly and some of Jim Henson's Muppets. When my girls were young, they would watch it often. Only recently have I seen the analogy of a spiritual journey hidden in the storyline: how we meet the enemy face to face, to "take back the child that [he] has stolen."

In the movie, Jennifer's character, Sarah, wishes the Goblin King (Bowie) would come and take her little brother, Toby, so she~a thespian wanna-be~ can continue her acting without the responsibility of looking after her baby brother. Once he is taken, she realizes her mistake, and sets out on a journey to get him back through the evil fantasy-land created by the Goblin King. Along the way, she meets a myriad of characters, some sent to hinder her progress, and some of the most unlikeliest of characters that risk 'The Bog of Stench' to help her.

In a very symbolic way, this movie depicts the spiritual battle that goes on in almost every Christian's life at one time or another. We, in our humanistic rebellious state of mind, are greedy, selfish, with no compassion or empathy for others who get in the way of our 'dream.' In turning away the innocent, and shirking our responsibility, we 'banish' them to a 'dark place.' Then, when the convictions hits us of the wrong we have done, we begin a journey to, not only to correct our mistake, but during the quest, realize our own strengths and weaknesses. Those weaknesses can then be used to make us stronger through the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives. With God on our side, we can pursue the captor through every type of terrain. (Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?)

Near the end of the movie, when it looks like all hope is lost, Sarah remembers the line she had been rehearsing when the baby was taken. She realizes that it is the key to the whole search, and in speaking it out, will rescue the child, and win the war over the Goblin King. Jesus tells us that He gives us power over the enemy. (Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.) 

Paul tells us we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. (Roman 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.)

We have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us; therefore, we can say to the enemy: 'You have no power over me.'

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